Friday, 3 April 2009

Implementing KM in Organizations?

Today organizations need to keep up with competition from they competitors and use knowledge management steps to stand in the market. I have gone through several sources of knowledge management and see that there are individual ideas from individual people about implementing knowledge management in organization.

It is proposed by Fawzy Soliman, ( 2000 ) that Implementing Knowledge management needs to maintain knowledge management programs like Knowledge creating (Knowing the sources of knowledge) , capture (How to use it), storing(Databases, books or human minds), and utilize critical processes and best business practices to maintain a competitive advantage. For an organization to create and capture knowledge they need to focus on what customer needs from us. We can get that information like going directly to the customer and taking feedback. Implementing KM for an organization need not be ended with beginning of the organization, it needs to be followed through the period organization is running.

According to Jamrog (2004), Vast reservoir of organization Knowledge is been shared among different processes and working people in organization, they need to bond together and use the best practices of KM. This knowledge is spread through out the organization in unrecognized format. One of the main important, aspect of implementing KM in organization is , it is the senior management responsibility to make sure they implemented KM among every person. (Cited in Loye, 2008, P. 156)

There are six elements for implementing Knowledge management system in Organization. First, establish a chief knowledge officer with responsibility for the political, strategic, and technical implementation of KM. Individual workers from an organization needs to take risks and be self-starters. Every person from an organization needs to know that knowledge is important assert and need to share the knowledge with every person from an organization. Every managers must organize a cultural environment that makes knowledge collaboration. There should be reward system for sharing valuable knowledge. Next , there should be hyper links among every buddy that makes knowledge infrastructure. This infrastructure must provide easy ways to create, store and retrieve information. (Loye, 2008),

It hard to Implement Knowledge management in organization through one person. Peter E.d .Love , Patrick S. W. Fong & Zahir Irani (2005, pg 7) discuss this issue as every individual must take part of knowing the knowledge needs of the organization and they capabilities. As every person have individual ideals or methods of handling the problem. Its important to share every individual ideas, make this as a practice. It need not be any occasion or event to do this. In my view occasion need to created when ideas need to be shared. Community of practice are also central part of KM strategy.

For example : When I am working for Amazon Development centre every person form every team have an opportunity to share our information with others. Whether it is regarding knowledge requesting or Knowledge sharing. There will be no particular time to share knowledge with others ,every individual need to make time to go the manager and request for solution, If he is not able to do so, issues are posted in internal blog(Using IT for KM sharing). Once solution is been found by any one on floor, that will be posted on blog , so that every person in they free time can go through it. Ofter one day these issues are highlighted as an alert in out Knowledge Tool. It is not mandatory to share knowledge in an organization through this way, they need to search for best practice, so that KM can be shared. (Leela Krishna, 2009)

It is hard to define for me, how exactly Knowledge management can be implemented successfully. In my view, before implementing Knowledge Management for an organization we need to know the key source of producing Knowledge management. This is proposed by Von Krogh and Roos that Knowledge resides in the minds of every individual and in relation they form with other like technology they use (cited in Kimiz Dalkir, 2005, pg no 72). I agree with these words because once we know the key source of knowledge , we can make feasible environment to implement KM .in organization. Like creating an environment where people who are working in organization can share they knowledge with other person or storing knowledge to databases or any tangible items. By doing this even if employees leave the organization , some sort of information can be saved with organization.

References :

-Loye (Lynn) Ray , 2008, Requirement for knowledge management: business driving information technology, JOURNAL OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT,Emerald Group Publishing, Volume. 12 Number. 3, pp. 156-158, retrived on April 2009 from Middlesex University Library database. from

-Fawzy Soliman, Keri Spooner, Keri Spooner & Fawzy Soliman, 2000, Strategies for implementing knowledge management: role of human resources management, Journal of Knowledge Management, Volume:4, Number: 4 retrived on April 01, 2009, from;jsessionid=20AD01320DD4B95C8C12A2179DB8FF01?contentType=Article&Filename=Published/EmeraldFullTextArticle/Articles/2300040408.html

-Peter E.d .Love , Patrick S. W. Fong & Zahir Irani, 2005, Management of Knowledge in Project environments, Elsevier Buttorworth-Heinemanm, Retrieved on 2 April 2009.

-Leela Krishna B, 2009, Knowledge Management, Retrieved on April 02, 2009, from

-Kimiz Dalkir, 2005, Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice, Elsevier Buttorworth-Heinemanm

Thursday, 2 April 2009

How can can IT support organizational and personal KMS?

Early before mid nineteenth century , the principle of economic resources for business are capital and labour. A third resources has now been added i.e. information technology. Through out the twenty-first century, there is lots of development in the usage of technology in organisations. Information Technology is likely to be particularly important as computing technology increased processing, sharing the data, communicating etc.

In practical, organizations use internet and intranet to transfer data and retrieve data through network available in databases. This makes better use of technology to gain and share knowledge in organization. Information technology is not all about Knowledge in organization, but it is better mean to use Knowledge in an organization.

Using Information technology , frequent update of information is possible among organisation by updating in podcasting, updating through Metadata etc. By knowing information up to date quick decisions can be taken. Like if we are uploading a CV in online job sites within few time we will be receiving the links to the job availability centers’.

Few companies like Google ,, e bay have established very ofter development of Information technology. It helps in online transferring of data (Online banking), Transfer of data within an organisation (Intranet), creating a blogs , usage of metadata . It enable people in an organisation to develop ability to collect information and share what they have know and intern improve service and outcomes of organisation. Like, due to improvement in information technology in Amazon , we used to operate and given instruction to fulfilment centres situated far from us.

But Donna S Hussain & KM Hussain claim that Information technology alone cannot share knowledge to the organization. (Donna S Hussain and KM Hussain, Pg no 8). For example If we go for any provisional store like Sainsbury , customer relations and doubts are maintained by human interaction but not by reply from machine.

According to Nonaka and Takeuchi(1995) , there are two forms of knowledge , one is Explicit Knowledge and Tacit Knowledge. Explicit Knowledge is the knowledge that is seen or taken in tangible format. That can be saved in database or on the paper, articles’ or manuals, Video, pictures etc. In resent time, role of Information technology is recognized in organizations to make knowledge sharing easily. They are making organization bond together by connecting and transferring data.

According to Ann Macintosh (1997) from AI Application Institute (AIAI, Edinburgh, United Kingdom), Knowledge is a corporate assert and can resides in database, knowledge base, files cabinets and people. When organization gains knowledge from any source,

But technologies will only leave organization with lots of information to store, unless it is used by people , using by implementing KM methods as practice. It is the people to think how they can better transfer and organize the knowledge they have. According to Albert Einstein “Knowledge is experience, every thing is information” (Cited in Richard Mc Dermott, 1999, Pg no 21, )

My understanding in this matter is that it doesn’t matter if people are using social tools , or technology There need to be a practice(Implementation) of Knowledge. Information technology is just a medium you can share your knowledge.

According to American productivity and Quality Center, Knowledge management can easily accomplish they goals by setting up a suitable IT in an organization. (Uwe MBorghoff, Remo Pareschi, Aug 1997 ). Now a days Knowledge management in an organization is much about electronic mail, video conferencing, chat rooms, data file, records. The bast way to store or reuse the knowledge is through Information Technology , Organization provides.

But according to Borghoff U.M., Pareschi R, there are also disadvantages of using IT for Knowledge sharing in Organization. If the organizations mainly focus on Explicit Knowledge i.e. "More IT less people", they may loose knowledge that stays with the people who are working in they organization ( tacit Knowledge ).

References: Timothy F. Bresnahan, Erik Brynjolfsson, Lorin M. Hitt, November 2000; referencing not plagarising; Retrived on April 01, 2009 from

-Donna S Hussain & KM Hussain, 1995,Information System for Business, Prenstice Hall International (UK) Limited, Hertfordshire.

- Uwe M. Borghoff, Remo Pareschi, 1997; Information Technology for Knowledge Management, Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol. 3, no. 8, Pg no 837, 838, Retrived on April 01,2009;

- Lisa APetrides, September 28, 2004, Knowledge Management, Information Systems and Organisations, Volume 2004, Issue 20, Pg no 3-4, Retrived on 1 april 2009.

- Richard Mc Dermott, 1999 , referencing no plagiarism , Volume 41, No 4, retrieved on April 2, 2009, from

Tuesday, 31 March 2009


Podcasting has been described as “the distribution of audio or video files, such as radio programs or music videos, over the internet using either RSS for listening on mobile devices and personal computers.” (Podcasting legal guide, May 11, 2006).

Podcasting plays a key role in organisation like if there is any announcements regarding work methods , they can announce in the podasting . Like in Amazon Development Centre , final solution from the kaizen research are announced in speakers, while we are working itself. Once we lisign to the new information we need to go through it.

Here podcasting helps in updating the information in an organization easily and frequently.

References : ‘Welcome to podcasting Legal Guide’, May 2006, referencing not plagarism , retrived on 31st march , 2009, from

So can we collaborate Web 2.0 and knowledge sharing : According to Louise Druce , companies need to provide training and knowledge sharing thoughts to they employees. They need to give some examples to follow and let them comfortably use the tools. There are also social networking tools used by organisation like Ning, CollectiveX, Sossoon, Hiitch, Huddle, Mzinga, British Telecom’s Workspace , Clearspace, and even Microsoft’s Sharepoint. In all these social groups employees from a company can communicate with other in batter way.

Using these tools we can easily discuss about the problems in an organisation, thus making sharing knowledge on problems. This technique is not new for my previous organisation where we used to have a group called Kaizen (japanese term for continious improvement) team. Member s in that group continiously work on small mistakes done where customere are disstisfied using our services. We strive to improve and introduce a new functions .

Reference ; ‘louise druce’, 05 nov 2008, ‘Improved collective performance: Investing in Web 2.0’ referencing not plagarism, retrived on march 30,2009 from


Tagging is method of retriving the data from the website in an organised form. (Alexandre Passant and Philippe Laublet, april 22,2008)

When we are using online shopping, tagging plays a key role like when we enter a key word, it searches all items which relates to the word we typed. And gives the replted items for display. Here tagging helps us to show the key related items in the database. It is a automatic process. So it takes few seconds to this sorting.

References: Alexandre Passant and Philippe Laublet’, April 22,2008, Meaning Of A Tag: A Collaborative Approach to Bridge the Gap Between Tagging and Linked Data, Pg no 01, Retirived on 31, 2009. From


Matadata is a structured information about a data or information. . For example if we look for book the meta data for it would be author, publication , no of pages, language etc. This method I highly use when I am searching any word or files in windows XP.

For example : When I lost any file (.doc for windows word) or unable to locate any file from windows XP, I usually go to search windows type the format I lost like .doc for word .XML for excel etc. And click on search button. Then we will receive list of word documents available in our system. By this way the data present on the file (MATADATA ) helps us to find easyly.

There are three main types of metadata , they are

Descriptive metadata ; It maily deals with resorces of a purposes like author, abstract, title, and keywords.

Structural Metadata: it deals with the format for the objects are put togethe or how pages are ordered to forma a chapter.

Admistrative metadata; It deals with the physical details of the data like when the file is been created , format for the file and who have the authorization to access it. (NISO Press, Understanding Metadata,2001 ).

But according to Amy Brand, Frank Daly, Barbara Meyers from Metadata Demystified Metadata is been classified into technical metadata, structural metadata and preservation metadata.


‘Understanding Metadata’, 2001, NISO Press Pg No 01, Retrived on 31st march, 2009,referencing not plagiarism, From

-‘Amy Brand , Frank Daly and BarbaraMeyers ‘, 2003, A Guide for Publishers- Metadata Demystified, The Sheridan Press and NISO Press ,Pg No 1, 3 and 6. Retrived on 31st march, 2009 from NISO press releases.

Sunday, 29 March 2009


RSS (Really simple syndication) is a new advent technology used for email alerting service, which makes RSS users to be up to date with the information. RSS makes use of available technology in a effective way to track the new information from websites, blogs, databases and news services. Using RSS alerts you may key information directly in spite of visiting every websites.

Number of new browser readers like Mozilla or internet 7 can be used to use RSS feed. In my view RSS is heavily useful in areas like new launch of company products. For example : When I subscribed for I used to get a automated mail and a message to my phone form the carrier regarding any vacancies.

Reference: Cuiying Mu, 2008, 'Using RSS feeds and social bookmarking tools to keep current' , Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 10-11, Retrieved on 29, march 2009. From

Saturday, 28 March 2009

Wiki :

According to Maged N Kamel Boulos, Inocencio Maramba and Steve Wheeler that Wiki 's are the websites that can be edited by any one who have access to it. One of the main example for Wiki I have seen and using is Wikipedia. Wiki is web page created to give information and Knowledge to the users. Wikis also contain screen shots and pictures.

Wiki carry information that can be easily be shared among every buddy. This makes a good tool for sharing Knowledge. In my view creating a wiki and sharing information through is good practice for knowledge gaining and sharing as people who have an idea about a topic can post they ideas on web and every person linked to that group online can go through it , just like in orkut communities. Where person who wants to know or interested in a topic can post a question in community , and any number of people from the community can reply for that question. Here that imformation can be read by all members from the community , (Knowledge Sharing)

References: Maged N Kamel Boulos, Inocencio Maramba and Steve Wheeler2, Published 15 August 2006, Wikis, blogs and podcasts: a new generation of Web-based tools for
virtual collaborative clinical practice and education, BMC Medical Education library, Retrieved on 28 march 2009 from

Friday, 27 March 2009


Weblogs are website that contain frequently updating of posts, links or videos providing some information. Weblogs are also called as blogs. Blogs contain hyper links which direct us to other blogs. When these blogs are connected to each other and information is been shared among each other blogs then together they form a web blog. ( Mark Brady 02, 2005).

In my view by putting once ideas on the web, makes every buddy to read and share his knowledge with others(Distributing Knowledge). Webblogs can be created by more than one one author, and they are called as collaborative blogs. First texts are edited by hand in HTML (hypertext mark-up language) and then they are uploaded to web server manually. By linking one blog to another, readers can easily find more information they need. (Making Knowledge easily usable).

At the end of the blogs an option for comments are provided. It is the section where visitors who read the page can give they opinion to the owner of the page. Since the weblog page is readable by anyone, they are also allowed to post they comments. This will act like feedback to the owner of the weblog. This in turn will act like knowledge sharing (Readers who gave they opinion).

For example I have created a blog on Knowledge management and linked my blog to other blogs created by my friends. This weblog is made public to every buddy, so that this information is been read by every buddy through internet. By this way all the information I want to share with others can be easily accessible.

References : Mark Brady 02, 2005, Blogging: personal participation in public knowledge building
on the web. CHIMERA WORKING PAPER NUMBER: CWP-2005-02. Retrieved on March 27, 2009. From University of Essex;

Saturday, 28 February 2009

Knowledge Management System:

According to Alavi and Leidner(2001), Knowledge Management System is the knowledge based information system that support the Knowledge creation, storing and sharing in an organisation or else where and sharing knowledge to employees and managers throughout a company. Alavi and Leidner (2001)

In my view for an organisation to be success in sharing or mastering KM they need to use the best technology available. Using technology for KM they can share they information with they collogues or they customers or clients in a better mean .

For Example:1) In Customer service centres when they receive any call from customers, they use the technology available to them(Computer) and search for data(Solution) available. If they find any information that is suitable resolves the customer problem they immediately pass this on to them. By this way employees from customer service centre can use the technology(Database, computer or phone) to share the knowledge stored in they systems.

How Does a Knowledge Management System Work?

(The University of Lowa, 12/10/2008)

When I first landed in London for the first time , I was guided by the TV and monitors to the exit. It was very helpful for me at that time which passed some sort of information(Knowledge) through the electronic devices.

1) Murray E. Jennex (June 13, 2005), referencing not plagiarism, retrieved on February 28,2009

2)James A. O'brien & George M. Marakas, Management Information systems by , Seventh Edition, Mc Graw Hill International Edition. Pg No14-15, 52, 58-59. Retrieved on February 28, 2009
3) Paul R. Merlyn and Liisa Välikangas, December 1998, Information Technology to Knowledge Technology, Volume 2, Number 2, Pg no 1, Retrieved on Feb 28, 2009 from

4) How does Knowledge Manage system works?. The University of Lowa, last updated on 12/10/2008, Campus Technology Services, Retrieved on Feb 28,2009 from .

Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Knowledge Management

I have gone through various studies and see that there are several meaningful explanation for Knowledge Management, but one of them which better suits with my experience in my life is comments given by Mustafa Sagsan(2006). According to Mustafa Sagsan, knowledge management means that the processes of knowledge in organizations or system, such as processing, storing data, step-by-step procedures, maintaining, innovating new things and creating to make profits for an organization. (Mustafa Sagsan)(Date published : 28th November 2006) (As per January 30, 2009)

I agree with the above comments made by Mustafa Sagsan, for example when I worked for Amazon Development Center forr one and half year and I used to keep a track of every records or e-mail I receive(Knowledge Storing). Each and every record is stored according to the time they receive and the customer e-mail address. This makes every individual e-mail a diferent identification. If the customer send a mail again to us we(every employee from ADC) have an option to check his previous mail and see that whether if he already received promotions from us. Doing this we can check the authentication of his/her data from e-mails. By doing this so we can share our knowledge with our fellow colleagues and decrease any further loss to our organization(Knowledge Sharing). All the data from they e-mails are shared in servers so that the data will not be lost (Sharing).

Here in our Organization every employee have a option to solve the problems we face in individual way, we share them with our leads. Once our ideas are good enough, they will be selected and shared among all other employees. Here, I understand that great organization used to prefer great principles like Knowledge Sharing and utilizing it in full proportion for the benifits of the organization.

Objectives of Knowledge management: 1) To make organization act intelligently so as to secure the available market.
2) To use complete available resources to attain collective objectives.

References : 1) retrieved on Feb 10, 2009

Knowledge Management - An Introduction and Perspective, Karl M. Wiig, Pg no 6-8, from Middlesex Library.
3) Syed Z. Shariq, Knowledge Management: An Emerging Discipline, As of Feb 12, 2009.
Retrieved from Middlesex library,


Life Cycle of knowledge Management: The process of knowledge becomes very important in every organizations. In every Organization the knowledge management will be carried with a new dimensions in step by step procedures, so called “knowledge management life cycle”. Doing so in a step by step procedures, large tasks (goals or projects) in an organization will be completed in mean time.

According to Mustafa SAĞSAN from "A NEW LIFE CYCLE MODEL FOR PROCESSING OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT " there are five stages in Knowledge management, they are creating, sharing, structuring, using, and auditing (auditing in my sense deleting or changing).

Knowledge Management Life Cycle Model

For example: I worked in Amazon Development Center as a customer service Associate and I was trained and worked on the basis on Knowledge Management. When I am under training our trainers used to teach us on the basis of the problems they faced previously while working on mails, they teach us how to tackle each problem and each problem is taken as a an issue(Knowledge Creating). By doing this they can save the issue(using individual reference number available for each problem called Ticket raising Number), and follow the tricks used to tackle the problem(Knowledge Structuring) repeats again. By doing this, We can share these individual Ticket issues and knowledge among our leads through intra net available(Knowledge Sharing, Knowledge Using). So that these issues can be solved easily.


, As per Jan 30, 09 . Pg no 03.

Mustafa Sagsan

Advantages of Knowledge Management:

-Helps the organization to know, what they know! i.e., What are the strong capabilities/ staff and facilities they have?

-With the help of Knowledge management we can identify the concentration areas and less populated areas of knowledge.
-It also helps us to identify the key problems in Organization and solve them with availabel resources. It helps us to achieve our organization goals in mean time.

Reference: Jan 30, 09 (Dr. M Khalid SHAIKH,

Disadvantages of knowledge Management:

- Unable to give expected performance or output by this process.

-Some users or individuals are unable to use the complete resources or techniques available with Knowledge Management .


(As of Feb 10, 2009)

Differeces between Data, Information and knowledge Management:

Data : 'Data' is the word derived from latin language around 300 BC. Data means datum, means 'to give'. At present data is used to define collection of values like number, images etc. Data refers to a collection of facts ususlly colleced from gaining experince, doing observaion or making experiments, or processing within a computer system etc. Data is viewed in terms of lowest level of abstraction from which information and knowledge are derived.

Reference: as per Feb 10, 2009.

2) 'Introduction to INFORMATION SYSTEMS' - supporting and transforming Business. Pg number:05
R. Kelly Rainer, Jr (Auburn University), Efraim Turban (University of Hawaii at Manao), Richard E. Potter (Uiversity of illinois, Chicago).

For example: If you go to railways station, you can see that numeric numbers are updated for every minute on notice board. If you see those numbers individually, It doess not make any sence. they are just numbers rotating unnecessarly. This is called as RAW DATA.

Advantages of Data: Data plays a vital role in Organisation, in order to measure a quantity or to take a reading. For example, When I was 14, there is an school trip to IICT (Indian Institute of Chemical Technology) There is see that every part of research or the data acquired on Coal to make cheaper burning fuel is important. They use to save this data in safer place, so that is does not get correpted. (Reference : by Dr J. Mark Tippett As of Feb , 09)

Disadvantages of Data: * Usually most of the data used in an organization is saved in data bases or memory devices which can be corrupted due to human mistakes(Sending or creating viruses), climatic condition (Needed to keep those data bases in certain temperature), etc according to the type of data storage will be used.

* Data stored on books can also be erased over time due to acidic nature of atmosphere.

Information: Information means data that have been organised in properly manner so that they give a meaningful and value to the raw data collected. Simply saying that , information is a message received and understood. In terms of data, it can be defined as a collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn.

Reference: 1) 'Introduction to INFORMATION SYSTEMS' - supporting and transforming Business. Pg number:05

R. Kelly Rainer, Jr (Auburn University), Efraim Turban (University of Hawaii at Manao), Richard E. Potter (Uiversity of illinois, Chicago).

Reference 2) (as per Feb 10, 2009).

For example : When you go to railways station, when you see the numbers rotating for every mean time. If you see only the numbers , we are unable to understand why they are rotating for every mean time. But when you read the whole board, you ccome to know that the numbers are regarding time for arrival and departure. This is the information you receive when you combine the whole raw data.

Information management means maintaining, studying about information, acquiring data and storing data. Information Management deals with present situation or current news etc, whereas knowledge management deals with process of knowledge in an Organization etc.

There is also difference between data and information. Information is the collective of raw data i.e collection of huge date regarding a topic is called called information.


As I already said, Knowledge Management is a tool used in an Organisation or a system to improve performance or earn more profits. Basically information on knowledge Management mainly focuses on Capturing, Storing, Managing and Reporting explicit Knowledge.

Knowledge management system is mainly used in organisation over turnover, rapid change and make profits.

For example: When I started working as my part time job in United Kingdom, Brighton, I shared my computer knowledge (how to use Excel sheet from Windows 07 , using Excel for creating invoice sheets) with the shop keeper and my other working saff. This made our shop(Stop to Shop) (Sharing knowledge on EXCEL = Knowledge Sharing) creating invoices more faster. So, from the above my experince I can confirm that knowledge sharing works for every person who involve in it. By creating invoices and fastering the delivery of items our shop keeper is planning to widen our delivery items(Capturing market by improving present business).

References: 'Introduction to INFORMATION SYSTEMS' - supporting and transforming Business. Pg number:05 R. Kelly Rainer, Jr (Auburn University), Efraim Turban (University of Hawaii at Manao), Richard E. Potter (Uiversity of illinois, Chicago). Pg Number 122. As per feb 10, 09.

Community of practice

Community of practice (also abbrivated as CoP) is a group of individuals active participating in communal activity with each other in everyday life, in work place or in education, experiencing or continuously sharing their ideas with each other.

It is a process of social learning that shares sociocultural practices among each other in their community that emerge and evolve when people work to achieve their common goals. By doing community of Practicve one can share their knowledge with other in group.

These groups of people have common resorces or languages which they interlinked by any mean. For example in working enviroment employers and employees are interlinked by menns of internet or intranet available. They meet together to do a common practice or work for the benifit of Organisation. Community of practice also involves in organisation in terms of annual meeting day, board meeting, family day etc. In all these occation people in an organisation meet together work on single task. These practices are made for the benifit of complete Organistion or individual benifits also.

For example: When I am persuing my B Tech, It hard for me to meet any students from other Universities or colleges. But few days like paper presentation day , annual meeting day etc we (Me and students from other University) used to meet on that occation to discuss on single subjuct. By doing this so and discussing on single subjucts with different University students I used to gain knowledge on mutual subjucts. That inturn benifited for me to select my IV year projuct work.

By this way one or an complete organisation can be benifited from Community of Practice. My future plan is to become a successful business man, and I expext that by meeting people in some or the other way of same profession, I can gain knowledge on my business.

Reference : 1),M1
(Beyond Community of practice by David Bartoon and Karin Tusting) Retrived by Feb 11, 09. (ISBN 0-521- 83643-3)




Strategy are long term plans or action of work to succeed an operation or goals. The word strategy is derived from Greek word stratēgos 'military commander'. Here stratos means army and ago means leading. In terms of business Management, strategies plays a key role for simple organization to high level organizations.

For Example: My father is shop keeper, we own a small provisional stores. We sell most of the goods needed for general purpose. Being a small store, we need to keep a track of every good and upcoming occasion in month for future purpose. Because on festival season goods are sold in full fledge and on other days goods are sold in normal rate. If we don't keep a track of it, goods which are left get spoiled or expired. Here by knowing or unknown, my father is planning for future purpose and needs, this is a strategic step to keep all goods in stock at the time of demand.

Example for larger Organizations: In Larger organizations like Wal-Mart, to sell they products to people at cheaper rate, they buy items in bulk quantity at cheaper rate and distribute them to all of they distribution center. By doing this innovating stem to buy goods at bulk quantity they can sell them at cheaper rate than the no0rmally available in general provisional stores.

Strategies used in organization for knowledge sharing or Knowledge implementation makes knowledge Management Stratigies. The Knowledge management strategies must not be isolated form the rest of the organization strategies, it must be given much importance level starting from HR and IT to a lower lever in organization. By doing this knowledge can be shared from all sectors of organizations.

For example : When I was working for ADC, We have a common website for vacancies or posts, new issues in Knowledge Center(Tool on which we work) and Blurbs (Our ADC online guide) on common website. So if there is any new issues running in organization, or if any individual are having any new innovating ideas we can submit them. If accepted they will be selected.

In my view, taking Knowledge management strategies is not fixed to single person like HR or IT. So, I support my previous work place where every individual have an option to share they strategic plans for the benefits of organization.

"At the broadest level formulating competitive strategy involves the consideration of four key factors that determine the limits of what a company can successfully accomplish," Michael E. Porter wrote in his classic book Competitive Strategy.

Reference: 1) Knowledge management in Education, Enhancing Learning and education by Edward sallis and Gary jones (ISBN 0-7494-3495-3). Retrieved on February 19, 2009.

2) Knowledge Management Strategies by Jerry Honeycutt, Microsoft Press © 2000 (239 pages) ISBN: 0735607249. As of Feb 19, 2009, pg no 60, Topic : Business planning strategies.

3)wikipedia (As per Jan 30, 09)


Definition: Individual people working together with mutual coordination with each other under single roof to meet common goal or predetermined Task.

Basically organisation consists of grousp of people working together to meet common goals with their our responsibilities. These Organisations may be in group of people, group of teams to thousands.

By doing mutual cordination among each other, large tasks or works can be solved easily and as planned. To acheive this knids of missions few tricks or stratigic methods are followed in an organisation. Like time management, step by step proceduring or orderly managing, knowledge management, work dedication etc.

Inside Organisation or Structure of an Organisation : Usually in big organisation they usually follow divide and rule policy. For example organisation will divide they organisation into subsystems, branches or divisions to acheive they goals. By doing this so large works can be done in mean time by dividing the work. There often these individual works are done on managing skills or work procedures.

For Example: ADC Amazon Development Center started in one room (Jeff Bezoz's Guarage in 1984). At that time Jeff Bezoz (Present CEO of ADC)with his five friends worked in one room. There ofter they business increased by year and year, they established One FC (Fullfillment Centre) ofter FC. Now there are one FC per state in US. To organise this in proper way and faster way they sub divided in divisions, like Tax section, Snowball section(USA), Retail, HMD, Software development, corporate section (INDIA) in different places. By doing this large and tougher tasks can be divided in sections according to the works needed to be done, which makes easier and understandable.

References : 1) As of Feb 11, 09
by Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC. Copyright 1997-2007.

Thursday, 22 January 2009

Knowledge management strategies

Name : Leela Krishna Boyapati