Tuesday 31 March 2009


Tagging is method of retriving the data from the website in an organised form. (Alexandre Passant and Philippe Laublet, april 22,2008)

When we are using online shopping, tagging plays a key role like when we enter a key word, it searches all items which relates to the word we typed. And gives the replted items for display. Here tagging helps us to show the key related items in the database. It is a automatic process. So it takes few seconds to this sorting.

References: Alexandre Passant and Philippe Laublet’, April 22,2008, Meaning Of A Tag: A Collaborative Approach to Bridge the Gap Between Tagging and Linked Data, Pg no 01, Retirived on 31, 2009. From http://events.linkeddata.org/ldow2008/papers/22-passant-laublet-meaning-of-a-tag.pdf

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