Sunday, 29 March 2009


RSS (Really simple syndication) is a new advent technology used for email alerting service, which makes RSS users to be up to date with the information. RSS makes use of available technology in a effective way to track the new information from websites, blogs, databases and news services. Using RSS alerts you may key information directly in spite of visiting every websites.

Number of new browser readers like Mozilla or internet 7 can be used to use RSS feed. In my view RSS is heavily useful in areas like new launch of company products. For example : When I subscribed for I used to get a automated mail and a message to my phone form the carrier regarding any vacancies.

Reference: Cuiying Mu, 2008, 'Using RSS feeds and social bookmarking tools to keep current' , Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 10-11, Retrieved on 29, march 2009. From


  1. Hi Leela…

    You need to put your references in a Harvard Format in the reference list and provide in-line citations where appropriate to give the credit to the author(s)….

    Look at Aboubakr Blog "Referencing Section"

    Good Luck

    \ (-___-)/

  2. Leela,

    I hope this is not a final submission article of yours. If this is just a background theory then that is fine, but if not, I suggest you re-check with Aboubakr marking guideline.

    Reading through the 2 paragraphs, this is very abstract material and too much on a personal basis for application when Aboubakr & Prof. Mark want is organisational context.

    The RSS example you provided is understandable clear but what about on a larger scale on a different context?

    How about if you applied RSS to interpret the "impact on organisation's"? Or maybe what is the potential drawback of using RSS, likewise I am saying this because every tool used has both positive and negative points.

    You have only read one literature material which I do not think is sufficient for critical analysis.

    \ (-___-)/

  3. Hello Leela,

    I agree with Ravi comments above, from the looks of your other posts - you have seperated and create a post for each, how will these be merged into one article plus to fit on 2 pages as well. Do you recall Prof. Mark - "2pages" - same with cw1.

    good luck too! :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thanks ravi

    i we need to fit in 2 pages, First I Will provide as much as information i have gained from sources, again on last day I will take few lines from every section and take the print out.

    Regarding References I will check again
