Wednesday, 28 January 2009



Strategy are long term plans or action of work to succeed an operation or goals. The word strategy is derived from Greek word stratēgos 'military commander'. Here stratos means army and ago means leading. In terms of business Management, strategies plays a key role for simple organization to high level organizations.

For Example: My father is shop keeper, we own a small provisional stores. We sell most of the goods needed for general purpose. Being a small store, we need to keep a track of every good and upcoming occasion in month for future purpose. Because on festival season goods are sold in full fledge and on other days goods are sold in normal rate. If we don't keep a track of it, goods which are left get spoiled or expired. Here by knowing or unknown, my father is planning for future purpose and needs, this is a strategic step to keep all goods in stock at the time of demand.

Example for larger Organizations: In Larger organizations like Wal-Mart, to sell they products to people at cheaper rate, they buy items in bulk quantity at cheaper rate and distribute them to all of they distribution center. By doing this innovating stem to buy goods at bulk quantity they can sell them at cheaper rate than the no0rmally available in general provisional stores.

Strategies used in organization for knowledge sharing or Knowledge implementation makes knowledge Management Stratigies. The Knowledge management strategies must not be isolated form the rest of the organization strategies, it must be given much importance level starting from HR and IT to a lower lever in organization. By doing this knowledge can be shared from all sectors of organizations.

For example : When I was working for ADC, We have a common website for vacancies or posts, new issues in Knowledge Center(Tool on which we work) and Blurbs (Our ADC online guide) on common website. So if there is any new issues running in organization, or if any individual are having any new innovating ideas we can submit them. If accepted they will be selected.

In my view, taking Knowledge management strategies is not fixed to single person like HR or IT. So, I support my previous work place where every individual have an option to share they strategic plans for the benefits of organization.

"At the broadest level formulating competitive strategy involves the consideration of four key factors that determine the limits of what a company can successfully accomplish," Michael E. Porter wrote in his classic book Competitive Strategy.

Reference: 1) Knowledge management in Education, Enhancing Learning and education by Edward sallis and Gary jones (ISBN 0-7494-3495-3). Retrieved on February 19, 2009.

2) Knowledge Management Strategies by Jerry Honeycutt, Microsoft Press © 2000 (239 pages) ISBN: 0735607249. As of Feb 19, 2009, pg no 60, Topic : Business planning strategies.

3)wikipedia (As per Jan 30, 09)

1 comment:

  1. Although Wikipedia is a good start for many ideas, because it is a community site, you cannot 'trust' others the same way. You need to be reading and quoting from articles/books in the library or their digital equivalents. Just because something is on the web does not mean the community has approved it.

    When you use any source, you MUST show clearly what you have quoted, not just that you have used the reference.

    You have used Wikipedia's description of 'strategy' referring to its military origins. However, your example of current military campaigns does not help us consider strategies in organisations for KM. We are not concerned with individuals and their KM, or armies and theirs, or governments or whole countries. Please give an example of strategy in an organisation and explain with an argument and references your own position. You might like to comment on whether you agree that strategies are 'long term' or 'plans'.
