Saturday, 28 March 2009

Wiki :

According to Maged N Kamel Boulos, Inocencio Maramba and Steve Wheeler that Wiki 's are the websites that can be edited by any one who have access to it. One of the main example for Wiki I have seen and using is Wikipedia. Wiki is web page created to give information and Knowledge to the users. Wikis also contain screen shots and pictures.

Wiki carry information that can be easily be shared among every buddy. This makes a good tool for sharing Knowledge. In my view creating a wiki and sharing information through is good practice for knowledge gaining and sharing as people who have an idea about a topic can post they ideas on web and every person linked to that group online can go through it , just like in orkut communities. Where person who wants to know or interested in a topic can post a question in community , and any number of people from the community can reply for that question. Here that imformation can be read by all members from the community , (Knowledge Sharing)

References: Maged N Kamel Boulos, Inocencio Maramba and Steve Wheeler2, Published 15 August 2006, Wikis, blogs and podcasts: a new generation of Web-based tools for
virtual collaborative clinical practice and education, BMC Medical Education library, Retrieved on 28 march 2009 from


  1. Hi Leela…

    You need to put your references in a Harvard Format in the reference list and provide in-line citations where appropriate to give credit to the author(s)….

    Look at Aboubakr Blog "Referencing Section"

    Good Luck

    \ (-___-)/

  2. Man.... I checked with the Harvard reference pdf, I have given in correct format.
