Tuesday, 31 March 2009


Podcasting has been described as “the distribution of audio or video files, such as radio programs or music videos, over the internet using either RSS for listening on mobile devices and personal computers.” (Podcasting legal guide, May 11, 2006).

Podcasting plays a key role in organisation like if there is any announcements regarding work methods , they can announce in the podasting . Like in Amazon Development Centre , final solution from the kaizen research are announced in speakers, while we are working itself. Once we lisign to the new information we need to go through it.

Here podcasting helps in updating the information in an organization easily and frequently.

References : ‘Welcome to podcasting Legal Guide’, May 2006, referencing not plagarism , retrived on 31st march , 2009, from http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Welcome_To_The_Podcasting_Legal_Guide

So can we collaborate Web 2.0 and knowledge sharing : According to Louise Druce , companies need to provide training and knowledge sharing thoughts to they employees. They need to give some examples to follow and let them comfortably use the tools. There are also social networking tools used by organisation like Ning, CollectiveX, Sossoon, Hiitch, Huddle, Mzinga, British Telecom’s Workspace , Clearspace, and even Microsoft’s Sharepoint. In all these social groups employees from a company can communicate with other in batter way.

Using these tools we can easily discuss about the problems in an organisation, thus making sharing knowledge on problems. This technique is not new for my previous organisation where we used to have a group called Kaizen (japanese term for continious improvement) team. Member s in that group continiously work on small mistakes done where customere are disstisfied using our services. We strive to improve and introduce a new functions .

Reference ; ‘louise druce’, 05 nov 2008, ‘Improved collective performance: Investing in Web 2.0’ referencing not plagarism, retrived on march 30,2009 from http://www.knowledgeboard.com/item/2951


Tagging is method of retriving the data from the website in an organised form. (Alexandre Passant and Philippe Laublet, april 22,2008)

When we are using online shopping, tagging plays a key role like when we enter a key word, it searches all items which relates to the word we typed. And gives the replted items for display. Here tagging helps us to show the key related items in the database. It is a automatic process. So it takes few seconds to this sorting.

References: Alexandre Passant and Philippe Laublet’, April 22,2008, Meaning Of A Tag: A Collaborative Approach to Bridge the Gap Between Tagging and Linked Data, Pg no 01, Retirived on 31, 2009. From http://events.linkeddata.org/ldow2008/papers/22-passant-laublet-meaning-of-a-tag.pdf


Matadata is a structured information about a data or information. . For example if we look for book the meta data for it would be author, publication , no of pages, language etc. This method I highly use when I am searching any word or files in windows XP.

For example : When I lost any file (.doc for windows word) or unable to locate any file from windows XP, I usually go to search windows type the format I lost like .doc for word .XML for excel etc. And click on search button. Then we will receive list of word documents available in our system. By this way the data present on the file (MATADATA ) helps us to find easyly.

There are three main types of metadata , they are

Descriptive metadata ; It maily deals with resorces of a purposes like author, abstract, title, and keywords.

Structural Metadata: it deals with the format for the objects are put togethe or how pages are ordered to forma a chapter.

Admistrative metadata; It deals with the physical details of the data like when the file is been created , format for the file and who have the authorization to access it. (NISO Press, Understanding Metadata,2001 ).

But according to Amy Brand, Frank Daly, Barbara Meyers from Metadata Demystified Metadata is been classified into technical metadata, structural metadata and preservation metadata.


‘Understanding Metadata’, 2001, NISO Press Pg No 01, Retrived on 31st march, 2009,referencing not plagiarism, From http://www.niso.org/publications/press/

-‘Amy Brand , Frank Daly and BarbaraMeyers ‘, 2003, A Guide for Publishers- Metadata Demystified, The Sheridan Press and NISO Press ,Pg No 1, 3 and 6. Retrived on 31st march, 2009 from NISO press releases.

Sunday, 29 March 2009


RSS (Really simple syndication) is a new advent technology used for email alerting service, which makes RSS users to be up to date with the information. RSS makes use of available technology in a effective way to track the new information from websites, blogs, databases and news services. Using RSS alerts you may key information directly in spite of visiting every websites.

Number of new browser readers like Mozilla or internet 7 can be used to use RSS feed. In my view RSS is heavily useful in areas like new launch of company products. For example : When I subscribed for timesjobs.com I used to get a automated mail and a message to my phone form the carrier regarding any vacancies.

Reference: Cuiying Mu, 2008, 'Using RSS feeds and social bookmarking tools to keep current' , Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 10-11, Retrieved on 29, march 2009. From http://www.emeraldinsight.com/Insight/viewPDF.jsp?contentType=Article&Filename=html/Output/Published/EmeraldFullTextArticle/Pdf/2390250904.pdf

Saturday, 28 March 2009

Wiki :

According to Maged N Kamel Boulos, Inocencio Maramba and Steve Wheeler that Wiki 's are the websites that can be edited by any one who have access to it. One of the main example for Wiki I have seen and using is Wikipedia. Wiki is web page created to give information and Knowledge to the users. Wikis also contain screen shots and pictures.

Wiki carry information that can be easily be shared among every buddy. This makes a good tool for sharing Knowledge. In my view creating a wiki and sharing information through is good practice for knowledge gaining and sharing as people who have an idea about a topic can post they ideas on web and every person linked to that group online can go through it , just like in orkut communities. Where person who wants to know or interested in a topic can post a question in community , and any number of people from the community can reply for that question. Here that imformation can be read by all members from the community , (Knowledge Sharing)

References: Maged N Kamel Boulos, Inocencio Maramba and Steve Wheeler2, Published 15 August 2006, Wikis, blogs and podcasts: a new generation of Web-based tools for
virtual collaborative clinical practice and education, BMC Medical Education library, Retrieved on 28 march 2009 from http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-6920/6/41

Friday, 27 March 2009


Weblogs are website that contain frequently updating of posts, links or videos providing some information. Weblogs are also called as blogs. Blogs contain hyper links which direct us to other blogs. When these blogs are connected to each other and information is been shared among each other blogs then together they form a web blog. ( Mark Brady 02, 2005).

In my view by putting once ideas on the web, makes every buddy to read and share his knowledge with others(Distributing Knowledge). Webblogs can be created by more than one one author, and they are called as collaborative blogs. First texts are edited by hand in HTML (hypertext mark-up language) and then they are uploaded to web server manually. By linking one blog to another, readers can easily find more information they need. (Making Knowledge easily usable).

At the end of the blogs an option for comments are provided. It is the section where visitors who read the page can give they opinion to the owner of the page. Since the weblog page is readable by anyone, they are also allowed to post they comments. This will act like feedback to the owner of the weblog. This in turn will act like knowledge sharing (Readers who gave they opinion).

For example I have created a blog on Knowledge management and linked my blog to other blogs created by my friends. This weblog is made public to every buddy, so that this information is been read by every buddy through internet. By this way all the information I want to share with others can be easily accessible.

References : Mark Brady 02, 2005, Blogging: personal participation in public knowledge building
on the web. CHIMERA WORKING PAPER NUMBER: CWP-2005-02. Retrieved on March 27, 2009. From University of Essex; http://www.essex.ac.uk/chimera/content/pubs/wps/CWP-2005-02-blogging-in-the-Knowledge-Society-MB.pdf